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SkinCeuticals SkinLab Santa Monica is your Los Angeles destination for Great Skin, Made Easy. Our state-of-the-art Santa Monica medical spa combines skin consultations, signature facials, and top aesthetic treatments such as Botox® Cosmetic, and dermal fillers, with SkinCeuticals advanced skincare to give you the results you desire in under an hour. Each of our carefully crafted signature treatments and med spa services are fully tailored to address your unique skin concerns. Patients can look forward to brighter, healthier-looking skin in under an hour.


At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Santa Monica, we know skin. Our team of experts, under the direction of plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify, offer top medical spa treatments in Santa Monica, CA which meet the needs of every skin type. Our signature facials, injectable treatments, skin and body rejuvenation treatments, are expertly crafted to deliver the results you are looking for in under an hour so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. Our comprehensive skin care services include:

two woman looking into a device

Complimentary Skin Consultation

Your journey to customized skincare begins with your initial consultation using our SkinScope LED. The SkinCeuticals Skinscope LED diagnostic is designed to reveal underlying skin concerns before they rise to the surface. To assess patient’s skin, this technology uses two light modes: a simulated daylight mode for reviewing visible concerns, and a LED-UV light mode for identifying underlying skin damage. A member of our retail team will have the information needed to help customize a treatment plan that is right for you.

Join Our SkinVIP Facial Membership

Meet Dr. Hisham Seify and the SkinLab Santa Monica team

Under the guidance of Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Hisham Seify, our providers bring together years of combined expertise to plan your next treatment with your unique skin care needs in mind. We look forward to working with you toward a comprehensive skin care plan built just for you.

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SkinCeuticals is the #1 Medical Skincare Brand in the United States. Research and innovation are at the core of the SkinCeuticals mission, and dedication to science has established the brand as a leader in the advanced skincare arena. SkinCeuticals was the direct result of a revolutionary discovery that set the standard for antioxidant formulation.

Experience next-generation products that will optimize the health and beauty of your skin—giving you great skin, made easy.

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Why Choose Us?

SkinLab Santa Monica by Cavendish Clinic believes that each patient deserves to look and feel their best. We have partnered with SkinCeuticals to ensure that you have access to the most advanced skincare technology and cutting-edge treatments to provide you with a comprehensive skin care treatment plan. Our team strives for the highest standards of safety, aesthetic results, and excellence.


At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Santa Monica, we believe that you deserve safe and effective treatments in a luxurious and accessible location. SkinLab Santa Monica is proud to be the Los Angeles area official SkinCeuticals store location offering the full complement of SkinCeuticals products and facial treatments. Our professional skincare and injectable experts will help you discover which products and treatments are right for your unique skin. We strive to provide comprehensive medical spa services in Santa Monica, CA which means that our services include consultations where we discuss your goals and the best care for your skin. Schedule a consultation or walk in for great skin today.

2801 Main St
Santa Monica, CA 90405


Monday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

2801 Main St, Santa Monica, CA 90405, USA